Invisible Heart

Russ Roberts Books and Memories

According to Nassim Nicolas Taleb, the author of The Black Swan, this is not just a great book, but after reading it you feel confident about life. This book is clearly life-changing. Taleb compares it to having a conversation over a scotch with Adam Smith himself.

That, in an of itself, is legendary.

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Why Adam Smith is Important Enough For Your Life

How The Wealth of Nations and Russ Roberts Can Change Your Life For The Better

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Book by Russel Roberts

The Scottish Philosopher and Prosperity

Most do not know the Book "Wealth of Nations" written by Adam Smith is known as "The Bible of Capitalism." The reason for this is Smith outlines not just an economy system, but the first political economic system. No one really knows when Smith was born, just that he made his home in Scotland in his early years.

The Invisible Heart Book

What The Theory of Mortal Sentiments Means To You

Would you agree that human morality depends on sympathy between one individual and society as a whole? Do you believe religion has a play in morality, that it should be the one conducting the role of sympathy? Choosing right and wrong and who should remain in inner circles or who should be banished for wrong doing according to ancient texts? Or can society evolve and bring forth a type of enlightenment to further the society's progress?

The Choice Book

An Inquiry into the Real Nature and Causes of The Wealth of Nations in the World

One of the greatest works inside the actual workings of a political economy. Most always believed that a country's wealth was solely based on its current storage and ownership of gold and silver. Adam Smith said this was ridiculous and instead a nation should be judged upon that nation's total production of all areas of production and commerce. This has become what we know today as Gross Domestic Product (GDP). He also reached back and studied Plato which hit upon the theories of the division of labor.

The Basics

Learn the basics about economics straight from Russ Roberts.

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"A great book. Makes you feel better about life, humanity, and yourself. Like having a conversation and a scotch with Adam Smith, or even better, Russ Roberts."

Nassim Taleb, author of The Black Swan

"A great book. Makes you feel better about life, humanity, and yourself. Like having a conversation and a scotch with Adam Smith, or even better, Russ Roberts."

Nassim Taleb, author of The Black Swan

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